Magnetic Therapy
Magnetic Therapy is the use of magnets over the body to relieve aches and pains. One of the leading practices in natural pain relief.
Our exclusive magnet “Big Bertha Magnet” is made from a material called “Neodymium” which is the most magnetisable material on earth. No batteries, no charging – this magnet will only lose approximately 5% of it’s strength over 100 years!
See how it works…
Why Magnetic Therapy?
Muscle Relief
Some relief from pain and increased movement can be experienced within two minutes of use.
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A friend had nothing but positive results from using Magnets including Big Bertha, but I remained sceptical. Many months later suffering Planter Fasciitis & Achilles tendonopathy for some months I remembered our conversations and decided to give Big Bertha a go. I so wish I’d bought sooner. I avoid chemicals in any form in life so this is wonderful and I love the fact it works instantly and can be with you always. It’s a real game changer and is helping me live a little more life. Thank you.
Very effective method of pain releif
I was pitched this product and was sceptical at first thinking “how can a magnet relieve pain”? To my surprise after a quick demonstration i found that it worked not only well but very quickly and I have subsequently purchased one for me and my father. Highly recommended.
Instant, long lasting pain relief for both humans and dogs.
The Big Bertha magnet has been in regular use in my home for several years now. I originally purchased it to use on my arthritic spaniel. It was clear that he benefited from the therapy as it greatly reduced the need for the prescribed anti inflammatory medication and you could actually see him relax into the gentle stroking. The positive effect can also be seen with my Westie, who is unfortunate in having a cruciate ligament issue with one of her back legs and a luxating patella in the other, as well as the associated arthritis. She too finds it relaxing and performs much better with regular use of the magnet, especially during “flare ups.” I too find it beneficial when dealing with the inevitable random aches and stiffness that seem to come as one “matures.”
In summary, the Big Bertha magnet is such a useful, easy to use intervention, I can’t help thinking every household should have one.
Magic magnet!
Does the magnet reduce the need for painkillers? In my case, yes! I am in my 60s with various aches and pains. It helps alleviate the discomfort and enables me to move better. I get a lot of neck and shoulder muscle tension from the daily stress of life. The magnet seems to reduce the tension and helps prevent my frequent headaches. I wish I had known about the magnet wellness properties earlier in my life but better late than never! Thank you, Martin.
Excellent and effective alternative to painkilling medications.
My partner purchased a healing magnet from a local event a year or so ago and was highly enthusiastic about its results, so much so that we bought another for my mother to help with her arthritic pain, she also found it very helpful.
I myself suffer from a condition called meralgia paraesthetica which can be very uncomfortable and often quite painful after prolonged standing. Some stretches and exercises help a bit but when my partner lent me her magnet I was surprised at what a difference it made and how quick the results were noticed. It is now my ‘go to’ for easing the symptoms and is the only thing that allows me unbroken sleep without having to change position every twenty minutes or so because of pain and discomfort. When she asked what I wanted for my birthday I told her I wanted one of these amazing magnets so that I can use it whenever I need. It really is a game-changer for me as I am loathe to using painkilling meds on a regular basis, this magnet is infinitely more preferable and effective.
Speedy recovery after hip surgery
I broke my hip in 2020 and it was pinned. Afterwards my front thigh muscle was tight and painful so I had a limp. Using Big Bertha for 20mins 3 times a day got rid of my pain and the limp in just 3 days – fantastic!
Good for auras and chakras too!
I circled my shoulder with a Big Bertha and the gym shoulder strain should have lasted 2 weeks but it lasted 2 days.
Also i have it in my pocket going through London and it feels like it blocks out any bad energy, i dont feel exhausted going through a busy city anymore. Perhaps placebo, perhaps genuine. I went without it through London the other day and had tiredness and negative thoughts, so I think it does block out others negative energy. I think this is very healing for chakras too. So theres another world to explore there with healing the aura and chakras with these magnets.
Big Bertha magnet
I had a demonstration with this magnet and helped almost immediately which made me buy this product and so very glad I have. I have had replacement knee and hip operations and have found yet again how marvellous this almost magic concept is.
Really helps reduce the pain sometimes for many days and has reduced my painkillers intake by over half the amount I was taking daily before.
Also find it quite therapeutic of an evening after a hard days work where I can self help
Big Bertha Healing Magnet
Hello I have arthritis all over my joints and since I have used the magnet my pain has been greatly reduced I use it every day. Would highly recommend this magnet if you are suffering with any type of arthritis.